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Testimonials From Our Customers

Testimonials From Our Customers
  • Relax In Comfort
  • Pirates Dinner Adventure™
  • Dean Johnston, M.D., F.A.C.S., Inc.
  • Benjamin Warren Productions, LLC
  • The Coffee Cafe
  • Formosa Homes™
  • Mid Florida Dermatology Associates
  • Lake Mary Life Magazine
  • Topper Publications
  • On the Mark Investments Corp.
  • Yellow Stripes Making the Driver
  • Disney Adventures Magazine
  • Parker Eye Center
  • Logan Eye Care
  • Hello USA and Hello Florida
  • Nex Gen Motorsports
  • Two Left Feet Events
  • Florida Investment Property Renovations

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Success Stories and Credibility

Testimonials From Our Customers
  • Black Eyed Peas Logo
  • Live Nation Logo
  • Hello USA Logo
  • NBC Universal Orlando Resort
  • Indianapolis Motor Speedway Logo
  • Mary J Blige Logo
  • National Retail Federation Logo
  • Disney Adventures Magazine
  • Universal Studios

Branding & Logo Design

Click here to view portfolio Corkscrew Grill Dallis Restaurant Dean Johnston MD Doorway Edward Gross MD Florida Dream Designs
5 Star wanted to their ad to cater to high school prom, during this time we introduced this ad to local magazines and newspaper.Artist Benjamin Warren came to Digi Craft to come up with the right look for his new CD. We worked closely with Benjamin to come will a soft profound look he was looking for.Was looking for nourishing look so that subscribers to their local magazine would considered taking their children to a fun place that was also educational.Dr. Zhu wanted an inviting look she was looking for, with the face behind her services.Cigar bar was looking for an upscale look to cater to middle age successful business people to network during cocktail hour.Happy, smiling, with white teeth clients is what Cordoba offers, so it was necessary to enhance this message in the print ad.Cater to cocktail hour, business networking, and socializing. Corkscrew grille fun inviting ad is the look that matches their demographic.A print ad set in a  relaxing environment featuring one-of-a-kind gourmet Italian pizza and authentic dishes. They felt a free glass of wine was necessary to test for advertising effectiveness.A youthful and fun look, inviting enough to get the most discriminating of people to consider plastic surgery.Doorway wanted to showcase a charming door selection in upscale locations.Dr. Gross wanted to be up close and personal with his practice showcasing his services and his office to build credibility.The complete package of interior design services with credibility is the look Florida Dream Designs was looking for.Real Rock 101.1 wanted a calendar with fun provocative rock stars to promote their station for their number one listeners, men.Gitta wanted mobile advertising utilizing an eye popping and eye catching design for her car.GOGO Leads wanted business colors as well as moving forward / growing look to business needs.Wanted a box that was girly and fun to package their hair extensions.Using a local entertainer was the perfect way to promote a beautiful smile and perfect teeth.Modern technology and a clean look were the focus of Lake Mary Dental's ad.Wanted the feeling 'getting back to what you love to do most as the important things in life'.Wanted a complimentary logo to go with added value of their wholesale image.Mid Florida Dermatology Associates went for a credible look, showcasing the business, length of services, and areas serviced.Wanted to represent top level service offering top dollar for your land.Mobile advertising to help promote unique buying and selling of property proposition.Just like your car needs maintenance so does your body this was an effective marketing piece for Oviedo Family Chiropractic.A brochure that gets to the point, a quick and convenient service for your pets.A magazine ad that displays soothing brand name sleep products with call to action.A display ad designed for couples to picture the American dream, making home ownership a reality.Print material that shows off rock star appeal, and a wowing sensational performance for your next gathering or event book Rock Demarco.A print ad showing beautiful women with wonderful color and amazing hair styles.A local band that was looking for the right look necessary for the cd, cd cover, and promotional material. A print ad showcasing all-in-one services in dentistry.The main focus of this print ad Smith's focused demographic, children under the age of  18.A print ad showcase the 3 most important aspects of kinder care: safety, fun, and learning.A print ad with a focus on whats most important to people protection of family, home, life, and auto. A print ad designed for coffee lovers.Local banner for toy company.A print ad showcasing custom entertainment services.Print advertisement showcasing attorney services.A promotion print piece for autographs signings.A magazine advertisement featuring summer youth camps at the local YMCA.

5 Star Limo: 5 Star wanted to their ad to cater to high school prom, during this time we introduced this ad to local magazines and newspaper.

Giving a "brand" new image℠

Maintaining your message through all mediums is important. We have effectively placed ads throughout local and national publications to help drive brand awareness.

Image is everything and it does in fact matter. Everyone will take notice and form an opinion.

Product branding is more than a logo or image, it's the difference between you and everyone else. Your product is distinct and unique, your customers need to easily understand the difference.

Creating an effective brand is only the first step to brand awareness. We use state-of-the-art marketing techniques, research and analysis to continually maintain your brand.

Branding & Logo Design

A well-planned branding strategy makes first impressions a breeze. This qualification may be the difference between success and failure. It's important to have a solid logo to distinguish your business, product or service. Who you are and what you do should stand out. By reinforcing your image with a solid logo, content branding, and marketing collateral you are creating an identity that defines your goods and services.

Branding and logo design are generally created during the developing stages of your marketing strategy. One of the most important aspects of advertising is your name. It's important to take in consideration how your brand name will apply in the world wide web. It is also important that you check with your trademark and patent attorney to make sure your logo or brand name is not confusingly similar to another company. After we create your logo and brand name we can also help register your trademark, service mark or registered mark. This registration will help protect your name, products and services.

What makes your product and service different is a story worth telling. We have everything you need to brand your product and image effectively. To further distinguish your offering we could ad a video spokesperson, or implement a video.

A solid website with superior branding and logo design should flow throughout all images and content of your website. This centralized focus is key to keep the interests of your customer and help make a better impact for your featured service or product.

Digi Craft can give you real-world advice and information on how to evaluate and measure the strength of your brand and its effectiveness. Even the best executives may need to refocus their message to reach the targeted audience or maintain a market position that is local or national. Without a strong hold over your brand and how it is perceived in the marketplace could lead to lost opportunities for your competitors to undermine you current position in the marketplace. However large or small your company maybe it is important to have the right foundation and public appearance that coincides to your product and services.

Not All Companies Are The Same

Creative Marketing and Advertising

Not all companies are the same - Digi Craft sets the standard for Online Marketing and Advertising with websites and ecommerce.

Adwords Qualified Company - Google

Google Adwords Certified Partner

Microsoft Advertising

Yahoo Search Marketing Ambassador

Better Business Bureau Accredited Business

Hot Campaign Technology

"The Next Level Of Monetization"

Multi Channel Advertise
Increase Performance
Manage Sales People
Combine CRM & Sales
Gain Market Share
Analytical Data

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